Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Shirdi sai’s philosophies are above mantras, vratas, poojas and rituals

Saints are rarely born: they are gifted to mankind, for a larger, deeper purpose. Saibaba of Shirdi is one such saint, whose presence has helped many and continues to help and guide, even after he left his human form. Although his birth and origins are shrouded in mystery and myth, his actions and examples have led many to a path of salvation and succor. Sairam did not leave any order, any direct disciples or dogma and has no incarnation. Most importantly he did not limit himself to two predominant religions as well. He never made any claims on teaching or preaching’s this is why there is no structured siddanth, or course on Baba”s teaching and faith. More and more people are attracted towards him for his simplicity of his faith. His philosophies are above mantras, vratas, poojas and rituals. All he desires is that we offer our hearts mind and ego to him. Once the five senses looses their power over us we will be able to progress spiritually and away from the world miseries. Saibaba is thus unique...One need not be essentially very analytical, very knowledgeable to reach the destination god. Sai himself is a god who walked on earth.....Sai philosophy is for all kind of beings simple practical and understandable even to the last person on this earth.

Aum sairam

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? IV

Early morning as one of my morning activity I played the CD on Vishnu sahasra Naama

“Adhi sankara wrote a number of vedantic hymns and one among them is the famous bhajagovindam...” I heard the great Raja Gopalacharias beginning speech while playing the CD on Bhajagovindam & Vishnu sahasra naamam sung by M.S.Subbulakshmi....

Ooh then adi sankaracharya has himself written several devotional poems to different forms of god...He did not reject the material world or ordinary life, but asked his devotees to transcend the material world. The doctrine of maya on which sankara wrote volumes, does not state that the world is unreal but that our perception of the world is wrong...Our perception of world is relative, subject to time space and caution.A man experience in his dream a lion chasing him,In his dream he tries to get awy from the lion without even moving an inch in his bed.He feels that he has run miles and miles away from the thorny forests, but when he suddenly gets up or awaken he says to himself ”It was only a dream”. The agonizing experience he had in his dream suddenly becomes a mere stupidity when he wakes up.So we do feel the same way about this materialistic world when we wake up from this materialistic dream...At the same time all of us has to fight in this world of duality as long as we see the world dualistic in nature. Both are in the game....

After hearing the sahasra naama I wanted to have my breakfast and get ready for morning aarti ....I got some idlies (rice cakes) and chutney... to eat...The iddlies were half baked not fully cooked and I had two minds whether to serve such idlies to my sai

Aum sairam

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? III

I was starring at my laptop to finish one of my assignments on an ICT project and the rat my mind started its journey...with thoughts...

The German genius Gottfried Wilhelm Liebniz laid down the foundation for the modern electronic computer based on yin and yang theory. According to him one represent god and zero represent void and from one and zero came everything came just like one and zero can explain all mathematical ideas. So within the integrated circuits of the modern computers, one can come across the Advaita and Dvaita philosophy.

By keeping the microscopic electronic switches in the modern central processor in”on” and “off” position man has indeed created a dream world. All the complex problems are just seen as on and off by the computers...mind boggling but indeed the truth.

The doctrine of maya does not state that the world is unreal but that the perception of the world is wrong. Maya is explained as “negation” that is inaction.” so let us stop all action kind...The word illusion came from a Latin word meaning “To lay the game. So we cannot stop action until action naturally stops in our life or until we see inaction in action and action in inaction as expounded by the Gita. The appeals of the Philosophies differ with person to person but both strive to achieve realm in human being complementing or supplementing each other...

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? II

At times both the Philosophies advaita and dvaita sounds similar but they differ only according to the level from which we look at them. If one looks at the person and a robot as a bundle of protons and electrons then both are same. But looking at another level the human being is very much different from any inanimate robot. This also sounds truth, but they differ in the level of perception. A flower is beautiful to a naked eye but kept under a powerful electron microscope they get distorted and may even appear formless and ugly. When the levels of perception changes the truth derived also changes accordingly.

I could get the rays of light falling on me directly from my window....Looking at the visible light.....Immediately the thought of Isaac Newton came. He had said that light travels in straight lines. but Albert Einstein, with his quantum theory, proclaimed to the world,” Light moves in wave patterns”. We do accept both these proven theories and use both of them for the development of science. One side light is a continuous wave in motion, Examining further, it is an electro magnetic radiation in the wavelength range including infrared, visible and Ultra violet rays, with a speed of approximately three hundred million meters per second when it travels in a vacuum.

Without duality perception action is impossible. We can perceive the world because of its contrasting dualities. Man can act only in subjective objective environment. Taoism says the absolute one becomes two in creation. The Chinese I ching sees the universe as Yin and Yang or male female concept, in other words Yin is a physical and emotional force and yang is the intelligence and spiritual force. They are indeed the two aspects of one absolute power. Like the north and South Pole of a magnet. Taoists try to attain a proper balance between the yin and yang.

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? I

In the advaita philosophy the difference between man and god is a matter of degree. Ultimately they are one and the same being. That which is within the man is atman and that which embraces the universe is known a bhraman. They are one and the same like a space inside a cup and space outside the cup are one and the same. Just like Tao of Taoism, the Alah of islam and the Ayin of jewish mysticism, Bhraman has no qualities, no parts and no consciousness and it is timeless. Writings of lao tse on Tao sounds similar. The world we see is constantly changing sitting in a car, a mile away the water we saw on the road was momentarily real but when we came close what was seen became a mirage. The dream burglars who are attacking you are real in the dream. You put up a dream fight with him. But when you wake up, you will say to yourself,”It was only a dream” Hence man will speak about the world the moment he realizes the true knowledge.

In the dvaita Philosophy the world is real and there is difference between man and God. Reality is of two kinds, independent and dependent. God is the only independent reality. Matter and self are dependent on and controlled by god. Self is active and is responsible for its release from countless reincarnations by devotion to god.

The middle path between these two philosophies also exists. God is not an unqualified principle, as per advaita but believed in the principle of jeevatman (individual soul) in paramatman (absolute soul) and the merging of Jeevatman in Pramatman for attaining salvation. Both the advaita and Dvaita Philosophies prevail in India with equal importance even today.

Dear sai tell me ....which is your Philosophy that I have to follow?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shirdi Sai-man makea life in test tubes!!!

After lecturing and studying about the Human genome and attended the sessions my mind was reluctant to go into any other thing...So fascinating the life and science’s.I happen to read The Book”DNA The secret of life” by james D.Watson with Andrew Berry in that book under the chapter playing god: Customised DNA molecules....I happen to read an interesting thing as follows..
“Aurther kornberg was the first to“make life” in a test tube. In 1950’s as we have seen, he discovered DNA polymerase, the enzyme that replicates DNA though the formation of a complementary copy from an unzipped “parent” strand. Later he would work with the pair of viral DNA, he was ultimately able to induce the application of all the virus’s 5300 base pairs of DNA but the product was not alive. Though identical in DNA sequence to it’s parent, it was biologically inert. Something was missing. The missing ingredient would remain a mystery till 1967.When Martin Gellert at the national Institute of health and Bob Lehmann at standford simultaneously identified it. This enzyme as “ligase” Ligase made it possible to Glue the ends of the DNA molecules together...
Kornberg could replicate the viral DNA using DNA polymerase and by adding ligase, join the two ends together so that the entire molecule formed a continuous loop, just as it did in the original virus, this artificial viral DNA behaved like a original one as exactly, the virus normally multiplies in E.Coli and kornbergs test-tube DNA did that. using just a couple of enzymes, some basic chemical ingredients, and viral DNA from which to make the copy Koernberg had made a biologically active molecule. The media reported he had created life in a test tube...”
My.... it is now 2.30 nights I felt it is better to go to bed. Meanwhile I have totally left the night aarti about my sai unsung today
My sairam is great he will not take it otherwise He knows ultimately I am his child

Aum sairam.

Shirdi sai have you authored this book on genome?- Part IV

The secret of life is indeed a thread...the earth and ocean were probably peopled with vegetable productions long before other families of them, shall we conjecture that one and the same kind of the living filaments is and has been the cause of all organic life?
How can a filament make something live? Life is a slippery thing to define, but it consists of two very different skills, ability to replicate, and the ability to create order. Living things produce the approximate copies of themselves. Rabbits produce rabbits, dandelions produce dandelions, but rabbits do more than that. They eat grass transform themselves....
The key for both of these features of life is information. The ability to replicate is made possible by the existence of the recipe, the information to create a new body. A rabbit’s egg carries the instruction for assembling a new rabbit. But the ability to create order through metabolism also depends on information....
These pieces of information get transcribed translated and synthesis protein which is the actual dogma of molecular biology....as that of selection and sequencing in computer programming....One thing for sure every thing right from machine to man needs selection, sequencing and execution.....isn’t it program ultimately ?
Aum sairam

Shirdi sai have you authored this book on genome?- Part III

I continued my speech in the afternoon session.
Almost everything in the body, from hair to hormones, is either made of proteins or made by them. Every protein is a translated gene. In particular, the body’s reaction is catalyzed by protein known as ENZYMES. Even the processing, photocopying, error correction and assembly of DNA and RNA molecules themselves- the replication and translation are done with the help of proteins, Proteins are also responsible for switching the genes on and off, by physically attaching themselves to PROMOTER and ENHANCER sequences near a start of the gene’s text. Different genes are switched of in different parts of the body
When genes are replicated, mistakes are sometimes made. A letter (base) is occasionally missed out or the wrong letter inserted. Whole sentences or paragraphs are sometimes duplicated, omitted or reversed.This is known as mutation. Many mutation are neither harmful or beneficial, for instance if they change one CODON to another that has the same amino acid ‘meaning’ there are 64 different CODONS and only twenty amino acids, so many DNA ‘words’ share the same meaning. Human beings accumulate about one hundred mutations per generation, which may not seem much given that there are more than a million CODONS in the human genome, but in the wrong place even a single one can be fatal.
All rules have exceptions(including this one) Not all human being genes are found on the 23 principal chromosomes, a few live inside the little blobs called mitochondria, and probably done so ever since the mitochondria were free living bacteria. Not all genes are made of DNA some viruses use RNA instead, Not all genes are recipe fro protein. Some genes are transcribed into RNA but not translated to protein; the RNA goes directly to work instead either part of a ribosome or as transfer RNA. Not all reactions are catalyzed by protein a few are catalyzed by RNA instead. Not every protein comes from a single gene; but some are put together from several recipes. Not all the 64 letter codon specify an amino acid: Three specify STOP commands instead and finally not all DNA spells out genes. Most of it is a jumble of repetitive or random sequences that is rarely or never transcribed: so called the junk DNA. With these basics the tour of the human genome can begin.....

Shirdi sai have you authored this book on genome? - Part II

This is a gigantic document, an immense book, a recipe of extravagant Length, and it all fits inside the microscopic nucleus of a tiny cell that fits easily upon the head of a pin. This book is a piece of digital information written in linear, one dimensional and one directional form and defined by the code that transliterates a small alphabet of signs into a large lexicon of meanings through the order of their groupings. So is the Genome.
only complication is that all English books are read from left to right, whereas some parts of the Genome read from left to right and some from right to left though never both at the same time
English books are written in words of variable length using twenty six letters, genomes are written entirely in three letter words, using only four letters, A, C, G, T which stands for (Adenine Cytosine Guanine and Thiamine)

Instead of being written on flat pages, they are written on long chains of sugar and phosphate called DNA molecules in which the bases are attached as side rungs, each chromosome is one pair of very long DNA molecules. This Genome book is a clever book because in the right condition it can both photocopy and read itself. The photocopying is known as REPLICATION. The reading is known as TRANSLATION
The messenger the RNA copy is the befriended by a microscopic machine called RIBOSOMES. These ribosome moves along the messenger translating each three letter CODON in turn into one letter of a different alphabet of twenty different amino acids. Each amino acid is attached to the last to form a chain in the same order as the CODON. Not all 64 three letter CODONS specifies an amino acid. Three signify stop CODON instead. And finally not all DNA spells out genes. Most of it is a jumble of repetitive or random sequences that is rarely or never transcribed: the so called junk DNA.
I had a cup of water in the middle of my presentation. A person came with a tray on it a bottle of mineral water. He placed it on my table and uttered sairam.....a sai devotee?
Aum Sairam

Shirdi sai have you authored this book on genome? - Part I

With the blessings of shirdi sai and praying to him I started my lecture in the big auditorium of 350 audiences belonging to various categories right from students to professors of various disciplines. Some are not scientist. I wanted one and all to know what I am talking about to make the Genome understandable and hence....

I started with a prelude about Scintillating Primo levi who did something similar with the periodic table of the elements in his autobiographical short stories. He related each chapter of his life to an element one that he had contacts with during the period he was describing.... The same way I read another interesting book on human Genome by Matt Ridley...In his book he says

“I began to think about the Human genome as a sort of autobiography. In its own right, A record written in “genitish,”of all the Vicissitudes and inventions that had characterized the history of our species and its ancestors since the very dawn of life.
Modern genetics is a formidable thicket of jargons.
The human body contains approximately 100 trillion cells. Most of them are less than a tenth of millimeter across. Inside each cell there is a black blob called a Nucleus. Inside the Nucleus are two complete sets of Human genome (Excepting in egg and sperm which has one and red blood cells which has none).One set of genome comes from the mother and other by the father. We are the result after swapping bits of the paternal and maternal chromosomes Called recombination

There are twenty three chapters, called CHROMOSOMES

Each chapter contains several thousands stories, called GENES

Each story is made up of paragraphs, called EXONS which are

Interrupted by advertisements called INTRONS

Each paragraph is made up of words, called CODONS

Each word is written is letters called BASES

There are one billion words in the book that means it makes it as long as 800 bibles. If I read the genome out to you @ one word per second for 8 hrs a day It would take me a centaury to finish reading the book If I write out the Human Genome @one letter per minute, my text would be as long as the river Danube...

After talking on the Human Genome I came and sat amidst a good applause. I was happy that many could appreciate...But I never did aarti to my sai yesterday that was working in my mind....totally into vingjnana (Science) ...that fascinated me....it is all like addiction. Some people get caught in agnana (not good action) and my sai who is a meignani (person with inner knowledge) will he relish it?

My sai only knows...

Aum Sairam

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Shirdi sai used Genetic algorithm?

My mind started on with the thought process. As usual it went again to its stature....The rat (mind) started its job wandering clueless

It again went back into programming and hardware concept....is we sheer hardware obeying a set of instructions. In a sense a program is a detailed description of a mechanism that “comes to life when obeyed by a computer. The human is usually skilled enough at the job and the result is the product of interpretation. In sense it is a static representation of something dynamic.

To understand the true nature of a program it is perhaps better to think about a plan of a machine that moves rather than something static like a house. When you look into a house plan a blue print your problem is generally in thinking it into 3D and most people can manage this. However when you look at the plan of an engine then, even if you can imagine it in three dimensions 3D, it is much harder to imagine how pieces move. A static plan cannot convey movement and it is up to the programmer to animate it in their imagination.

The selection and sequencing makes a program....So at this point it is the definition of a program as a list of instructions that are obeyed one after another in sequence, selected depending on the condition, and repeated. That really is all there is to. All the programs that have ever been written, or can be written are composed of nothing but selection and repetition....Sequencing, selection and looping are the basic atoms that make up every list of instructions and hence every program.

House, engine then me ooh a human programmed....buildings are static engines move but we humans think, sense, and grow we have life. Is it possible to have human program with artificial intelligence and neural networks or are we a set of genetic algo rhythms (codes) in other words biological programs called human ware”

The clock struck six times I rushed to wash my face in the evening

I saw myself through a mirror...I need a mirror to see my own face. I have not even seen myself with my own eyes without the help of a mirror strange but true....It is like that for everyone...my why sai one always need a mirror to see ones own physical self? If so, where there is a possibility of knowing our inner self?

Fine all in the game...I washed my face and got prepared for dhoopa aarti in the evening. I think sai has designed four times aarti routine a set of instructions to be obeyed after the aarti I felt relaxed and enjoying the serene silence within me may be better to obey my sais program...

Aum Sairam.

Monday, January 7, 2008

SHIRDI SAI – inner voice

Suddenly the message in the inbox vanished...I went on and on searching for the same I am searching for Sai’s address again...and again ... in vain ...my sai..My husband came back from his office, i told about Sai’s mail and how it appeared and vanished He gave a hearty laugh and opted for the evening coffee....After dinner we were relaxing in the hall .I do share my thoughts with people reading my blog and my husband is inevitable...He has to opine because I insist that I need his opinion. one compelled visitor....He is a real scientist he reads science and lives science and breathe science amazing at times seeing him all the time so scientific...for example even to talk and walk he will substitute some component chemical as reason for that...and once I argued but with less tension ...for which he said it was because of the folic acid intake....I started taking and which has controlled lots of molecular switches and went deep a travel into the metabolic pathway of folic acid...later we were conversing about the genetics, human genome project and science and only science...

His clock stops by 9.30 he will be into deep sleep even he doesn’t have a bed...His biological clock is set as 9.00 pm to bed and 5.00 am out of bed pattern mine is different. I, am a habited noctuvid (nocturnal insect) start my day by that 9.30 pm onwards. I have reset and changed my biological rhythm differently. regular unless I fight with sai...if so I will not recite aarti and not have my night coffee... this means I an upset...I go perform night aarti to sai have a cup of coffee as though I just get up from bed and go to my computer...

I heard an inner voice within me.....aye my sai is speaking ...”He says don’t imagine things. That is the main cause for your misery...I never wrote a letter nor will write to you one...I am in you why don’t you realize rather than read and try to put some logic behind my existence and It is a pity that you nowadays started questioning your own existence...what is your problem child”

This sounds for sure my Sai...

Aum Sairam

Shirdi Sai – Email in my inbox

I just logged into my ID... To check my mail...I have got am email from Shirdi sai...Hi...amazing and what a surprise!! .What is his contact ID .I was bit curious and the ID said Shirdisai@godmail.com .I went through his letter He has answered my question but a me a dump machine I could understand only to a limited context.

The copy of the mail said as follows

you hardware my child....here is the answer...
"You thing you are a program g8....but you are not

Hi you are dump computer hardware... Programs have to run on you to make you work...

But the truth is...You are a God created hardware and your brain is many fold powerful in comparisons to the man created computer memory...that’s all...

You have been designed by the creator with certain capability for purposes. say a Pentium II or III or IV or centrino duo depending on your past karma...You have brain (CPU), many other inbuilt systems and of course the electric circuit like your blood flowing and sensory organs to receive and sent like the speaker you use.... the CD drive (read and write) and mouse to click your wants and the web cam to see and receive....

all these functions depends on the creators wish dear child if only you could obey the instructions with less questions, even now it is not too late to conclude within a fraction of seconds take your time and try to understand.

Sometimes even the platform you are provided with has limitations. Platform independent java program has to be written to reach all the platforms of you human beings without dependency.

You are programmed by the assembly language zeros and ones and to some extent you have possibility of some extended technologies to increase your capacity if the creator allows that to be done on you machine...Saints have to come as interfaces to translate and bridge the gaps between you and your creator’s plan at times. To make you understand...

The operating system(OS) and your adaptability is also creators wish...and what ever high level languages is written unless it is compatible with the machine language it is very difficult for the machine to understand
Too many information you keep on adding and too many layers on you makes things very unreachable even to the creator so he has to sent saviors to protect his creation not to go faulty...
Where you get manufactured and where you go as consignment and what is that you have to do all depends on the time and necessity and predetermined for the creators discretion .You are created to help your creator...too many front ends and lots of widgets you add my child you cannot see your original self. I want you to improve your ESP (Extra sensory power) but you are more responding to ASPs (Active Server Pages)....
Don't get carried away by technological revolutions ...they are good okie but. You learn to get information but when are you going to understand my language? “Transformation” It is okay to be informative, you cannot otherwise survive. Don’t put Garbage in and take garbage out (GIGO)

But attempt to transform. An evolutionary process has to happen within you slowly, for a positive change and to become adoptable...for your own existence. No GIGO child...

I will TC
Alla Mallik

Friday, January 4, 2008

Shirdi sai answer my question?

To get acquainted with Saibaba was no where in my life till I was fourteen. He was no where in my thoughts till then. But Today, I cannot imagine my life or my thought process without him. My sai...I can think of only sai and nothing else but his glory. I always think why such situation has arisen in my life. Whatever I think or whatever I do in the mundane or on a purely mental plane his thoughts appear quietly in the background of my mind. He appears in one form or other very near me. Sometimes, with the torn kafni which he was said to be perennially don. That image will remain for long, disturbing my worldly routine. How so ever I would like to separate my consciousness from him, it is not possible, he will not leave me however I am. It is really very difficult to shed him....very addictive. At times I have tried my level best to go away to some other place to get rid of him..in early days. but Impossible it was. Either he will appear in one form or the other either stuck at the back of a car or somebody I can hear calling him “sairam” which will make me turn back. Shirdi sai amazingly loves, very understanding anyone cannot forget him once they experience him. But how come he came into my program? Why did he come? Who is he? Why I cannot live without the thought of this fakir. He is beyond comprehension. He is all in all in my breath and soul. I will die once he leaves me... The day he leaves me is the day of my brain death. But I want reason sai? That is why I asked who are you in me? I want the reason sai...and the reason of my own existence...I know, you know me better than what I know about me....but you have to answer me my dear sai...you have to...

Aum sairam

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Shirdi Sai who are you? Who am I?

Sai nowadays I started peeping through my window to see the next door nowadays... I started bothering for the unused grinder from the day one you made me to see . That grinding stuff is still kept aside without being used without a handle. Neither a human force nor the input to work that out, it is really disturbing my mind sai..

It is not the grind but the thought what my Sai said about grinding concept in the “Sai-bible” in other words “The Sri Sai satcharita”. I have to get rid of my avagunas (bad qualities) and ahangkar (ego) I want to work out a program for that I suppose.Can I work out an executable program for this?

But sai many things I program with perspective plans, breaking them with immediate objectives, annual objectives and long term objectives with a bench mark to measure and mid term corrections with all meticulous planning I miserably fail at times. And of course my planning will picturise a very futuristic angle with long term goals. At times it doesn’t work at all sai...Why Sai?

Why should I draw plans? Nothing happened in the way as I wanted many times.

I nowadays realize that I myself am a written program. All the steps sequenced and only job for me is to execute that like a machine rather.

So many important things happen in my life without my prior knowledge. I was born into this world, and one day going to leave this world the time of entry and exit is unknown. I don’t choose my mother or father that is also not my choice. So many things I learn and unlearn, and when important things are already being destined then where comes my karma question? I use to think many times that I am the sole authority for my life and for all my actions but now I realize it, I am not. The truth is that I myself is somebody’s creation...Who am I? Am I a meager step by step instruction of an already written executable program or an event driven program? And who are you sai? In this program business which part do you play? Did you create me? For which you will answer “No child there is a person above all of us who created us? Then who are you to me sai? Tell me sai who are you? Why am I hooked up like this talking to you all the time? Why should I like you first of all? Why sai? Why?

Aum Sairam

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Shirdi Sai- showed the grind as well....

As soon I finished posting the blog on shirdi sai on Technology grind... My husband called me.....He wanted to share the message broadcasted in the Television about the akanda chanting of the Vishnu Sahrsa Naama in thousands ...but I missed the vision in the television...

“I sit with the dump machine and miss many things in my life...is my husbands conclusion...He was furious and got irritated and told I must change my lifestyle... “Sai I never got cross with him, because he told the truth for my good...I felt you are coming and telling me the same through him...not chanting but spending more of my time with the internet.

I sat in the hall with him watching what he is watching...My mind was thinking about the grinding mill and you sai I cant help it...My eyes were watching the television as well some times the vision through the window...My god I could see the grinding mill at the backyard of my next door house...very next to my house...just kept unused...without a handle...that was there all these days too.... but how I could not see it all these days?...

I get you Sai I have to reduce my time searching the computer window and spend time searching the real window as well within I get your point. The grinder I thought In the heart of the city Where I can see...you showed me immediately...amazing....but sai to be true that grinder seemed it has never been used for ages...It never had a handle or somebody to care to grind...kept unused...my avagunas and ahangars are left without being ground It has to happen if not in that grinder concept but within me...please help me to enlighten me Sai

Aum Sairam