Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? I

In the advaita philosophy the difference between man and god is a matter of degree. Ultimately they are one and the same being. That which is within the man is atman and that which embraces the universe is known a bhraman. They are one and the same like a space inside a cup and space outside the cup are one and the same. Just like Tao of Taoism, the Alah of islam and the Ayin of jewish mysticism, Bhraman has no qualities, no parts and no consciousness and it is timeless. Writings of lao tse on Tao sounds similar. The world we see is constantly changing sitting in a car, a mile away the water we saw on the road was momentarily real but when we came close what was seen became a mirage. The dream burglars who are attacking you are real in the dream. You put up a dream fight with him. But when you wake up, you will say to yourself,”It was only a dream” Hence man will speak about the world the moment he realizes the true knowledge.

In the dvaita Philosophy the world is real and there is difference between man and God. Reality is of two kinds, independent and dependent. God is the only independent reality. Matter and self are dependent on and controlled by god. Self is active and is responsible for its release from countless reincarnations by devotion to god.

The middle path between these two philosophies also exists. God is not an unqualified principle, as per advaita but believed in the principle of jeevatman (individual soul) in paramatman (absolute soul) and the merging of Jeevatman in Pramatman for attaining salvation. Both the advaita and Dvaita Philosophies prevail in India with equal importance even today.

Dear sai tell me ....which is your Philosophy that I have to follow?

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