Saints are rarely born: they are gifted to mankind, for a larger, deeper purpose. Saibaba of Shirdi is one such saint, whose presence has helped many and continues to help and guide, even after he left his human form. Although his birth and origins are shrouded in mystery and myth, his actions and examples have led many to a path of salvation and succor. Sairam did not leave any order, any direct disciples or dogma and has no incarnation. Most importantly he did not limit himself to two predominant religions as well. He never made any claims on teaching or preaching’s this is why there is no structured siddanth, or course on Baba”s teaching and faith. More and more people are attracted towards him for his simplicity of his faith. His philosophies are above mantras, vratas, poojas and rituals. All he desires is that we offer our hearts mind and ego to him. Once the five senses looses their power over us we will be able to progress spiritually and away from the world miseries. Saibaba is thus unique...One need not be essentially very analytical, very knowledgeable to reach the destination god. Sai himself is a god who walked on earth.....Sai philosophy is for all kind of beings simple practical and understandable even to the last person on this earth.
Aum sairam