Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Shirdi sai’s philosophies are above mantras, vratas, poojas and rituals

Saints are rarely born: they are gifted to mankind, for a larger, deeper purpose. Saibaba of Shirdi is one such saint, whose presence has helped many and continues to help and guide, even after he left his human form. Although his birth and origins are shrouded in mystery and myth, his actions and examples have led many to a path of salvation and succor. Sairam did not leave any order, any direct disciples or dogma and has no incarnation. Most importantly he did not limit himself to two predominant religions as well. He never made any claims on teaching or preaching’s this is why there is no structured siddanth, or course on Baba”s teaching and faith. More and more people are attracted towards him for his simplicity of his faith. His philosophies are above mantras, vratas, poojas and rituals. All he desires is that we offer our hearts mind and ego to him. Once the five senses looses their power over us we will be able to progress spiritually and away from the world miseries. Saibaba is thus unique...One need not be essentially very analytical, very knowledgeable to reach the destination god. Sai himself is a god who walked on earth.....Sai philosophy is for all kind of beings simple practical and understandable even to the last person on this earth.

Aum sairam

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? IV

Early morning as one of my morning activity I played the CD on Vishnu sahasra Naama

“Adhi sankara wrote a number of vedantic hymns and one among them is the famous bhajagovindam...” I heard the great Raja Gopalacharias beginning speech while playing the CD on Bhajagovindam & Vishnu sahasra naamam sung by M.S.Subbulakshmi....

Ooh then adi sankaracharya has himself written several devotional poems to different forms of god...He did not reject the material world or ordinary life, but asked his devotees to transcend the material world. The doctrine of maya on which sankara wrote volumes, does not state that the world is unreal but that our perception of the world is wrong...Our perception of world is relative, subject to time space and caution.A man experience in his dream a lion chasing him,In his dream he tries to get awy from the lion without even moving an inch in his bed.He feels that he has run miles and miles away from the thorny forests, but when he suddenly gets up or awaken he says to himself ”It was only a dream”. The agonizing experience he had in his dream suddenly becomes a mere stupidity when he wakes up.So we do feel the same way about this materialistic world when we wake up from this materialistic dream...At the same time all of us has to fight in this world of duality as long as we see the world dualistic in nature. Both are in the game....

After hearing the sahasra naama I wanted to have my breakfast and get ready for morning aarti ....I got some idlies (rice cakes) and chutney... to eat...The iddlies were half baked not fully cooked and I had two minds whether to serve such idlies to my sai

Aum sairam

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? III

I was starring at my laptop to finish one of my assignments on an ICT project and the rat my mind started its journey...with thoughts...

The German genius Gottfried Wilhelm Liebniz laid down the foundation for the modern electronic computer based on yin and yang theory. According to him one represent god and zero represent void and from one and zero came everything came just like one and zero can explain all mathematical ideas. So within the integrated circuits of the modern computers, one can come across the Advaita and Dvaita philosophy.

By keeping the microscopic electronic switches in the modern central processor in”on” and “off” position man has indeed created a dream world. All the complex problems are just seen as on and off by the computers...mind boggling but indeed the truth.

The doctrine of maya does not state that the world is unreal but that the perception of the world is wrong. Maya is explained as “negation” that is inaction.” so let us stop all action kind...The word illusion came from a Latin word meaning “To lay the game. So we cannot stop action until action naturally stops in our life or until we see inaction in action and action in inaction as expounded by the Gita. The appeals of the Philosophies differ with person to person but both strive to achieve realm in human being complementing or supplementing each other...

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? II

At times both the Philosophies advaita and dvaita sounds similar but they differ only according to the level from which we look at them. If one looks at the person and a robot as a bundle of protons and electrons then both are same. But looking at another level the human being is very much different from any inanimate robot. This also sounds truth, but they differ in the level of perception. A flower is beautiful to a naked eye but kept under a powerful electron microscope they get distorted and may even appear formless and ugly. When the levels of perception changes the truth derived also changes accordingly.

I could get the rays of light falling on me directly from my window....Looking at the visible light.....Immediately the thought of Isaac Newton came. He had said that light travels in straight lines. but Albert Einstein, with his quantum theory, proclaimed to the world,” Light moves in wave patterns”. We do accept both these proven theories and use both of them for the development of science. One side light is a continuous wave in motion, Examining further, it is an electro magnetic radiation in the wavelength range including infrared, visible and Ultra violet rays, with a speed of approximately three hundred million meters per second when it travels in a vacuum.

Without duality perception action is impossible. We can perceive the world because of its contrasting dualities. Man can act only in subjective objective environment. Taoism says the absolute one becomes two in creation. The Chinese I ching sees the universe as Yin and Yang or male female concept, in other words Yin is a physical and emotional force and yang is the intelligence and spiritual force. They are indeed the two aspects of one absolute power. Like the north and South Pole of a magnet. Taoists try to attain a proper balance between the yin and yang.

Shirdi sai – What is you’re prescribed Philosophy? I

In the advaita philosophy the difference between man and god is a matter of degree. Ultimately they are one and the same being. That which is within the man is atman and that which embraces the universe is known a bhraman. They are one and the same like a space inside a cup and space outside the cup are one and the same. Just like Tao of Taoism, the Alah of islam and the Ayin of jewish mysticism, Bhraman has no qualities, no parts and no consciousness and it is timeless. Writings of lao tse on Tao sounds similar. The world we see is constantly changing sitting in a car, a mile away the water we saw on the road was momentarily real but when we came close what was seen became a mirage. The dream burglars who are attacking you are real in the dream. You put up a dream fight with him. But when you wake up, you will say to yourself,”It was only a dream” Hence man will speak about the world the moment he realizes the true knowledge.

In the dvaita Philosophy the world is real and there is difference between man and God. Reality is of two kinds, independent and dependent. God is the only independent reality. Matter and self are dependent on and controlled by god. Self is active and is responsible for its release from countless reincarnations by devotion to god.

The middle path between these two philosophies also exists. God is not an unqualified principle, as per advaita but believed in the principle of jeevatman (individual soul) in paramatman (absolute soul) and the merging of Jeevatman in Pramatman for attaining salvation. Both the advaita and Dvaita Philosophies prevail in India with equal importance even today.

Dear sai tell me ....which is your Philosophy that I have to follow?