At times both the Philosophies advaita and dvaita sounds similar but they differ only according to the level from which we look at them. If one looks at the person and a robot as a bundle of protons and electrons then both are same. But looking at another level the human being is very much different from any inanimate robot. This also sounds truth, but they differ in the level of perception. A flower is beautiful to a naked eye but kept under a powerful electron microscope they get distorted and may even appear formless and ugly. When the levels of perception changes the truth derived also changes accordingly.
I could get the rays of light falling on me directly from my window....Looking at the visible light.....Immediately the thought of Isaac Newton came. He had said that light travels in straight lines. but Albert Einstein, with his quantum theory, proclaimed to the world,” Light moves in wave patterns”. We do accept both these proven theories and use both of them for the development of science. One side light is a continuous wave in motion, Examining further, it is an electro magnetic radiation in the wavelength range including infrared, visible and Ultra violet rays, with a speed of approximately three hundred million meters per second when it travels in a vacuum.
Without duality perception action is impossible. We can perceive the world because of its contrasting dualities. Man can act only in subjective objective environment. Taoism says the absolute one becomes two in creation. The Chinese I ching sees the universe as Yin and Yang or male female concept, in other words Yin is a physical and emotional force and yang is the intelligence and spiritual force. They are indeed the two aspects of one absolute power. Like the north and South Pole of a magnet. Taoists try to attain a proper balance between the yin and yang.
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